Weak Signal? Top Ways To Boost WiFi Strength

By Joshua Chadwick November 7th

Many of us have experienced the frustration of a weak WiFi signal that leads to slow loading times, interrupted video calls, and sluggish downloads.

The good news is that there are several effective ways to boost WiFi strength and improve your internet connection. In this article, we’ll explore the top methods to enhance your WiFi signal, ensuring a faster and more stable online experience.

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Optimal Router Placement

The placement of your WiFi router plays a crucial role in the strength and coverage of your wireless network. Ideally, your router should be located in a central position within your home or office.

Avoid placing it near walls, large appliances, or obstructions like metal objects, as these can block and weaken the signal. Elevating the router to eye level can also help improve signal distribution.

Update Your Router

Older routers may not provide the best performance in today’s high-bandwidth environment, with router manufacturers constantly improving their technology. If you’ve had the same router for years, it might be time for an upgrade.

Newer modems are equipped with advanced technologies like MU-MIMO (Multi-User, Multiple Input, Multiple Output) and beamforming, which can significantly enhance WiFi performance and coverage.

Choose the Right Frequency Band

Most modern routers offer both 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) and 5GHz frequency bands. The 2.4GHz band has a longer range but is more susceptible to interference, while the 5GHz band offers faster speeds but has a shorter range.

To maximise your WiFi strength, choose the frequency band that suits your specific needs. Use the 2.4GHz band for better coverage and the 5GHz band for faster speeds, especially for tasks like online gaming or streaming.

How Fast Am I?

Need a quick check to see how your speed stacks up against the rest of Australia? Check out the link below to test your internet speed today!

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Secure Your Network

WiFi security is not just about protecting your data but also about optimising your broadband network’s performance. When your mesh network is unsecured, unauthorised users can leech off your connection, slowing it down.

Set up a strong password and enable WPA3 encryption to ensure that only authorised users can access your WiFi network, allowing for your WiFi speed to stay consistent on your Mac, Windows, or Android device.

Reduce Interference

Various electronic devices and household appliances can interfere with your WiFi signal. These can include microwave ovens, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, and anything connected to an adapter.

To minimise interference, place your router away from such devices, and try to use the 5GHz band, which is less susceptible to interference. If you’re trying to truly reduce interference, you can always try your hand with an ethernet cable, which reduces the need for a wireless connection entirely!

Pesky Appliances

Household appliances can be deceptive, especially with the amount of power they consume unknowingly. Check out our article all about Standby Power to see how much energy these power-vampires are consuming!

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Upgrade Your Antennas

Some routers allow you to upgrade or replace the antennas. Upgrading to high-gain antennas can extend your WiFi range and improve signal strength. Be sure to consult your router’s user manual for compatibility and installation instructions.

Once this has been done, be sure to run an internet speed test to check if your changes have been effective!

Use WiFi Range Extenders or Mesh Systems

For large homes or offices with dead zones, WiFi extenders or mesh WiFi systems can be a lifesaver. Range extenders amplify your existing WiFi signal, while mesh systems create a network of interconnected access points, ensuring seamless WiFi coverage throughout your space.

Update Firmware

Regularly updating your router’s firmware is essential for optimal performance. Manufacturers release updates to fix bugs, improve smart security, and enhance overall functionality. Check your router’s settings and run firmware updates as needed to give your wireless signal a much-needed boost.

Quality of Service (QoS) Settings

Most modern routers offer QoS settings, which allow you to prioritise certain types of traffic. By assigning higher priority to activities like video streaming and online gaming, you can ensure that your WiFi connection remains strong even when other devices use the network for less demanding tasks.

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A strong WiFi connection is a necessity in today’s interconnected world. By following these top ways to boost WiFi strength, you can ensure that your internet connection is fast, reliable, and ready to handle all your online activities. Whether you’re working from home, streaming your favourite shows, or playing online games, these tips will help you make the most of your wireless network and eliminate those frustrating dead zones and slow loading times.

Joshua Chadwick
Joshua Chadwick